Sharing Jesus
This copper and silver candlestick holder represents Christian witness we admire. It was made by Dawud ibn Salama al-Mawsili in Syria in 1248/9 under the Muslim Ayyubid dynasty. It may have been a gift from a Syrian Christian to the Muslim Ayyubid sultan. Although the decorative style is typical of Islamic art, there are designs not typical of Islamic art: scenes from the life of Jesus, including the Baptism, the Presentation in the Temple, and the Wedding at Cana. The candlestick holder reminds us of the Christian vocation of bearing light to others, even when the larger culture is not Christian, especially by bringing cultural forms of beauty into dialogue with Jesus.
Photo credit: Fabos | Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons.
Adventures in Conversation:
Human Nature
Examples of conversation related to human nature, why we are the way we are, and Christian faith’s vision of the human. See just this series.
Adventures in Conversation:
Good and Evil
Examples of conversation related to whether there is good and evil, how physical material alone cannot give rise to morality, and how we are haunted by good and evil. See just this series.
Photo credit: Wally Gobetz, Creative Commons 2.0. Statue of the archangel Michael triumphing over the devil, at Saint Michael Fountain in Paris, France.
Adventures in Conversation:
The Character of God
Examples of conversation related to: What is God like? What is the character of God? See just this series.
Photo credit: Excelsior College Online Writing Lab.
Illustrations of Jesus in Medical Substitutionary Atonement
Sample stories — and ideas for sermon illustrations — that help you tell the story of Jesus’ human journey to heal his human nature. Drawn from movies, literature, video clips, poetry. See just this series.
Photo credit: Biso, Wikimedia Commons.